Software Development, Programming Languages and Life. Morale of the story? Which would you prefer? Disappointed customers, having to work weekends and event.
Explorations in front-end tooling and architecture by Addy Osmani.
Taking Advantage of Blocks not Checking Parameter Count. How To Unit Test An Angular App. Combining D3 and Ember to Build Interactive Maps. Closures can provide encapsulation when Creating Objects in Javascript.
Improving JavaScript code quality with JSLint integrated with Visual Studio. Is a tool that goes through your JavaScript code and points out bad coding practises, including undeclared variables. You can now easily integrate JSLint with Visual Studio. JSLint for Visual Studio 2010. Are now in widespread use. The problem is that JavaScript was never meant for large scale programming. With the demise of Silverlight.
More ramblings from a computer nerd. For some important background information. I have broken out the examples into a set of gists. There are 3 high level requirements for creating a custom OverlayView. Method, which will be called once the map has been set for the overlay.
Apps, suites, and examples for Backbone. This site provides materials and resources for developing and testing Backbone. All of the application and test examples for the book Backbone. Can be found here, grouped by chapter. We also provide a reference Backbone. For creating and viewing notes, which we use throughout the examples in the book. The core set of Backbone.
Looking Back on a Year at Automattic. Stephane Daury looks down as the sun sets from an overlook along a road to Waimea Canyon in Kauai, Hawaii. Photo was taken during the 2013 Janitorial Team meetup. It has been a year since I joined Automattic. Fourteen Things I Learned or Experienced. In the last year, I have made 574 commits to the WordPress. com source code repository, written 188 p2. Written communication even via IRC or on Skype is more permanent than a face-to-face chat, which m.
Christian Johansen
Christian Johansen
Harald Harfagres vei 20B
Sofiemyr, 1412
Christian Johansen
Christian Johansen
Harald Harfagres vei 20B
Sofiemyr, 1412
Domeneshop Hostmaster
Christian Krohgs gate 16
Oslo, 0186
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SINON CNC Southeast sales office. The new screw fastening machine. The new aluminum profile end milling. Greek energy companies were invited to p.
Todavía se puede jugar a lo mejor. Siento la necesidad de compartir esta experiencia, parte por nostalgia, parte por diversión pura. Si sos un pendex que no tenés idea de lo que es escribir un comando para que la compu haga lo que querés, cerrá esta página inmediatamente. Mejor dicho, a los juegos de Lucas Arts. Que me resultan, y lo que me asombra todavía ahora con los poquísimos recursos con los que funcionaban.